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DRML types shared between the runtime and the Node-side code.


Darwinia custom account lookup.


1_000_000_000 in u128.

Day in Pangoro/Pangolin.


Hour in Pangoro/Pangolin.

1_000 in u128.

1_000_000 in u128.

Block time of Pangoro/Pangolin.

Minute in Pangoro/Pangolin.

1 in u128.

Session length of Pangolin.

Era length of Pangolin.

Session length of Pangoro.

Era length of Pangoro.

1 in 4 blocks (on average, not counting collisions) will be primary BABE blocks.

The hard cap of RING.

Slot duration in Pangoro/Pangolin.

The amount of total power.


Deposit calculator for Pangolin.

Deposit calculator for Pangoro.

Type Definitions

Alias to the opaque account ID type for this chain, actually a AccountId32. This is always 32 bytes.

Alias to the public key used for this chain, actually a MultiSigner. Like the signature, this also isn’t a fixed size when encoded, as different cryptos have different size public keys.

The address format for describing accounts.

The balance of an account. 128-bits (or 38 significant decimal figures) will allow for 10m currency (10^7) at a resolution to all for one second’s worth of an annualised 50% reward be paid to a unit holder (10^11 unit denomination), or 10^18 total atomic units, to grow at 50%/year for 51 years (10^9 multiplier) for an eventual total of 10^27 units (27 significant decimal figures). We round denomination to 10^12 (12 sdf), and leave the other redundancy at the upper end so that 32 bits may be multiplied with a balance in 128 bits without worrying about overflow.

An index to a block. 32-bits will allow for 136 years of blocks assuming 1 block per second.

A hash of some data used by the chain.

Hashing algorithm used by the chain.

Header type.

An instant or duration in time.

The index of a transaction in the chain. 32-bit should be plenty.

Block type.

The power of an account.

Alias to type for a signature for a transaction on the chain. This allows one of several kinds of underlying crypto to be used, so isn’t a fixed size when encoded.

DRML signing params.